Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Peek at the Week!

We are all things THANKSGIVING this week! Last week we discussed author's purpose, so we are going to add to that this week. Yesterday we read the most hilarious book, 'Twas the Night before Thanksgiving, then we brainstormed a list of foods we could eat instead of turkey. They each chose one food and had to come up with three reasons why we should eat that particular food instead of turkey. For the next few days we will turn the brainstorming sheets into a persuasive essay, convincing our reader to not eat turkey for thanksgiving!
Also, we are throwing some social studies into the mix and learning about the First Thanksgiving. Yesterday we read about and discussed why the pilgrims left England. Today we will really dive into the voyage on the Mayflower. Scholastic has a great ineractive website that we will use throughout the week. Tomorrow and Thursday we will discuss the Mayflower Compact, and what life in "The New World" was like. I created little booklets to accompany the website. We will spend time working whole group, individually and in small groups to research using the ipads and computers.


There are no new spelling words this week. Just the sight word assignment and fluency passage.
We will see you Friday for the Turkey and Eagle performance at 2:15 in the gym!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

This Week/Last Week

We have a big week! Tomorrow we have the ribbon cutting for the new turf and Tuesday is our field trip to the corn maize. Students should wear their class shirt and PE shorts or jeans. 

This week in:

Language Arts

Phonics Skill: Long vowel -e (-e, -ee, -ea, -y)

Comprehension Skill: Author's Purpose 

Comprehension Strategy: Questioning 

Vocab Skill: Antonyms 

Conventions Skill: Verbs

Spelling words: read, feet, easy, deep, seat, party, wheel, leave, windy, sleep, teeth, team

Sight words: watch, guess, shoe, science, won, pretty, village


Congratulations to the second graders who made their First Reconciliation on Friday! We will start a unit on Advent this week. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

All Saints and Halloween fun!

The All Saints parade and reports were a huge success! Thank you SO much for practicing the reports with your child and for preparing such wonderful costumes. I can tell that a lot of hard work went into it. We received tons of compliments. 

The pumpkin festival is always fun to walk through. So creative!!