Monday, February 27, 2017

Reading Counts Lunch

We had another successful Reading Counts Lunch on Valentine's Day! Keep encouraging your children to read, read, read! We will have our final lunch in May. The new goals and points reports will go home this week.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

January/February Fun!

Hello All!

From Boosterthon to the Wizard of Oz, Catholic Schools Week and everything in between, we've had a  busy few weeks! Forgive me for taking a little "blogging break" but with all of the festivities listed above and the news down below, Mrs. Rush has been *tired* to say the least :)

More pictures to come later in the week!

The past few weeks we've focused on reading fables and learning about the moral of a story, context clues, adjectives, drawing conclusions, and last week/next week we are learning about nonfiction text features (glossary, caption, bold print, table of contents, etc). We are also busy preparing for the IOWA test. More info on this to come!

Tuesday is the Reading Counts lunch. We will also exchange Valentine's in the afternoon. Your child may address to each student or simply just write "From ____." Homework folder will be due on THURSDAY this week since there is no school Friday. No fluency passage this week. We will also take the spelling test Thursday.