Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving Fun! Peek at the Week

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!
The week before Thanksgiving was busy, but fun! We stayed busy learning about the First Thanksgiving and writing persuasive turkey essays.
The writing prompt was to try and persuade the reader to not eat turkey for Thanksgiving. They had to come up with an alternative food and give reasons why it is better to eat than turkey. This was challenging, but fun!

We also had our Turkey and Eagle play. They did a fantastic job! All the teachers said this was the best performance they had seen in a long time!


We were tired yesterday when we came back from break. We are back into the full swing of things today!
This week in:
Phonics Skill: Long O (o, oa, ow)
Spelling Words: goat, hold, show, most, bowl, float, toast, ago, open, told, toad, slow, almost, throat
Comprehension Skill: Drawing Conclusions (using what the text says plus our background knowledge to draw conclusions about the setting, characters and plot)
Vocab Skill: Prefixes
Fluency Skill: Accuracy and appropriate rate
Conventions Skill: Subject Verb Agreement
Writing: Friendly Letter
Yesterday we learned about the 5 componenets of a friendly letter (date, greeting, body, closing, signature). In centers, we are begining to brainstorm our Christmas lists. We are going to write another persuasive piece- but this time we will format it as a friendly letter. This week we are brainstorming 2 items we want from Santa with three reasons why we want it. Next week we will turn it into a friendly, persuasive letter to Santa! They are SO excited.
All about Advent! Yesterday we brainstormed how we can be helpful and show God's love during Advent. Today we talked about the Advent wreath and its significance and prophecies about the birth of Jesus.

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