Monday, January 25, 2016

Halfway to 3rd Grade!

Wow! We are more than halfway through the year (in fact, today is the 100th day of school!). From here on out, we are prepping for 3rd grade in a major way. This starts with homework. I gave both classes a pep talk last week about completing their IXL homework the night it is assigned. We also discussed my expectation of the vocab booklets and spelling packets- neat work turned in on time! I reminded them that in 3rd grade the homework counts as a grade! After many sighs and groans they agreed to turn in 3rd grade quality work.

We finally have some cold weather! PTL! Just a reminder that when administration announces a cold weather day, it is NOT a free dress day. School shoes (not boots) should be worn.
For days in which the temperatures are cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon, wearing school sweatpants with PE shorts underneath is one solution. Gloves, hats, and coats should not be worn in the classroom. And please don't forget to put your child's name in the sweatshirts/jackets!!
This week in:
We are continuing to work on the different parts of the mass. Last week we started with the Liturgy of the Word. We discussed the Old Testament reading, Psalm, and New Testament reading. Today we talked about the Homily, Creed and Prayers of the Faithful. We went around and offered up prayers requests and had a special prayer together. Tomorrow we will have guidance with Ms. Harrison and Friday we will head to the chapel for adoration (one of my favorite times with our homeroom!).
We had so much fun reading fables last week! This week in centers we will work on a fable project. Each student will read a short fable, write the moral, a summary and illustrate a picture.
We are also focusing on adjectives, drawing conclusions, context clues and multiple meaning words. We use context clues in a passage to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. This is a tough skill that we will see on the IOWA test, so we will practice this over the next couple weeks. Our phonics pattern is words that end with -le. Spelling test will be on Friday.

The rain on Friday didn't get us down! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Peek at the Week!

Hello! Brrr! We are trying to stay warm during this chilly week :)

This Week in:


We will begin our chapters on the Mass which will lead up to First Communion preparation in March.
Also, during guidance class, Mrs. Harrison has begun the family life series with the second graders.
Last week we finished Unit 3, so this week we are reviewing and getting ready for Unit 4, which we will begin next Monday. The homework this week is a vocab booklet. Next week we will read "A Froggy Fable" which goes along with the vocab words in the booklet. Students do not need the story to complete the vocab. They should use a dictionary or an online resource for the definitions.

Conventions: Helping verbs am, is, are, was, were

Comprehension: Introduction to fables! We are learning about theme/message/moral/lesson of  a story. This week is just an intro- we are doing the anchor chart page in our interactive notebooks and reading a couple different fables to identify the message.

Small Groups: We have started prepping for the IOWA test. Mrs. Coutu and I are using critical thinking packets in our small groups. These packets address verb tenses and the helping verbs. It would be a good idea to look over these when they come home and review with your child.

Centers: Computers- PBS Detective game (inferencing and drawing conclusions); Ipads- "Write About" app, students must write a short story using at least 5 sight words; Inference task cards; Finish book sequence project with partners.

Our book sequence projects turned out great!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Last Week/This Week

We are finally back in the swing of things! It takes some time after the break to get back into our routines and procedures.

Last week we covered Long I, sequenced the events in a story, formed and used the past tense of irregular verbs, and wrapped up the Christmas season with 3 Kings Day. This week we are finishing up our Book Sequencing Activity that we did with partners. Each set of partners read a story and then had to write and the draw the sequence of events using the clue words first, next, then, finally.

This Week in:


Phonics/Spelling: Comparative Endings -er, -est

Spelling words: fatter, soonest, happiest, hotter, busier, busiest, fattest, smaller, happier, hottest, smallest, sooner

Comprehension Skill: Fact and Opinion

Comprehension Strategy: Inferring (taking what the text says, plus your background knowledge to make an inference)

Vocab Skill: Synonyms

Conventions: Verbs am, is, are, was, and were

Important Announcements:

On Thursday, the Miami Glee Club will perform for our students in the assembly hall at 9am. They performed 2 years ago and were amazing!

The Lion King Jr. performance is scheduled for Feb. 19th. Each student is responsible for bringing in their own costume. Our class is the African Savannah Animals and will perform "Circle of Life." Ms. Willard has asked that we wear a variety of bright colors. They can wear tails, ears, etc. if you'd like! A simple bright colored shirt/bottoms would be just fine, too. Feel free to be as creative as you'd like.