Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Last Week/This Week

We are finally back in the swing of things! It takes some time after the break to get back into our routines and procedures.

Last week we covered Long I, sequenced the events in a story, formed and used the past tense of irregular verbs, and wrapped up the Christmas season with 3 Kings Day. This week we are finishing up our Book Sequencing Activity that we did with partners. Each set of partners read a story and then had to write and the draw the sequence of events using the clue words first, next, then, finally.

This Week in:


Phonics/Spelling: Comparative Endings -er, -est

Spelling words: fatter, soonest, happiest, hotter, busier, busiest, fattest, smaller, happier, hottest, smallest, sooner

Comprehension Skill: Fact and Opinion

Comprehension Strategy: Inferring (taking what the text says, plus your background knowledge to make an inference)

Vocab Skill: Synonyms

Conventions: Verbs am, is, are, was, and were

Important Announcements:

On Thursday, the Miami Glee Club will perform for our students in the assembly hall at 9am. They performed 2 years ago and were amazing!

The Lion King Jr. performance is scheduled for Feb. 19th. Each student is responsible for bringing in their own costume. Our class is the African Savannah Animals and will perform "Circle of Life." Ms. Willard has asked that we wear a variety of bright colors. They can wear tails, ears, etc. if you'd like! A simple bright colored shirt/bottoms would be just fine, too. Feel free to be as creative as you'd like.

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