Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fable fun and Catholic Schools Week!

Update! Catholic Schools Week Pictures!

Our fable projects that we worked on last week turned out amazing!! The kids were so excited about the project and they truly did a fantastic job. Some students even opted to write their own fable.

Catholic Schools Week is off to a great start!

On Monday we had a presentation from Robin Neel, who is a volunteer at the Cathedral. She taught the children about *STEWARDSHIP* and how they could be good stewards for the church and school. Each child came home with their own box of offetory envelopes.

We also watched the liturgical dancers from St. Mary Magdelene and listened to the Bishop Moore Choir perform.

And finally, the morning ended with a surprise flash mob from the teachers! It was a hit.

On Tuesday we made Valentine's cards for CKc Foundation. They turned out very sweet. We also enjoyed a special Valentine's snack and played a few rounds of Valentine's bingo. It was a fun party!

Today (Wednesday) Mr. Sharkey's 5th grade class came down to our room for a special project. The students were partnered up and read a Valentine story to each other. Then they made a cute "heart caterpillar" and sequenced the events from the story. They worked SO well together and had so much fun. It was a perfect morning!

Later this afternoon we will head to the gym for "Who Wants to Be a Catholic Millionaire."

Tomorrow, Thursday, will be our "Souperbowl" day. Students may wear their favorite sports team shirt/jersey or their class shirt with jeans or PE shorts. We will build some type of sculpture out of all the soup cans we brought in. Don't forget- Chick-fil-a lunch is provided!

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