Sunday, September 20, 2015

Peek at the Week

It has been a great week! I will begin by thanking everyone for their prayers and support for the Ugguccioni family. We have an amazing community at St. James. I visited Carson in the hospital on Thursday and delivered cards the kids made. Mr. and Mrs. Ugguccioni expressed their deepest appreciation for your prayers, kind words, visits, and overall support. Carson was so happy to receive the video messages we sent and the cards we made. He will join us back at school again soon! In the meantime we have "Spongebob" to fill his seat :)

This week in ELA:

Phonics: Consonant Digraphs (two or three consonants put together that make one sound)

Spelling words: that, wish, patch, when, what, math, them, shape, whale, itch, chase, bunch 

Sight words: together, though, often, pieces, gone, learn, very

Comprehension Skill: Facts and Details

Comprehension Strategy: Predict and Set Purpose

Vocab Skill: Synonyms

Conventions Skill: Imperatives and Exclamatory Sentences (Students should be able to read different types of sentences with correct expression and write each type of sentence)

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