Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Peek at the Week

We had a great week! We were so busy that I didn't have a chance to take many pictures. Sorry! I will do better this week!

Our main comprehension focus was predicting. This strategy seems simple (just guessing what happens next), but we really focused on using our background knowledge and what the text says to then make a prediction. Any prediction we made had to be justified with reasoning ("Tell me why you think that"). They loved reading the story Chicken Dance and predicting how the story would end.

We enjoyed watching part of the Pope's speech on Friday. The students then researched additional information about Pope Francis on the iPad's and computers.

This Week in:


Phonics Skill: r-Controlled Vowels ar, or, ore, oar

Spelling words:

1. hard
2. born
3. horse
4. before
5. more
6. smart
7. farm
8. porch
9. corn
10. chore
11. score
12. part
13. morning
14. resort
15. organ

Sight Words: family, listen, pull, break, once, heard

Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect (We will identify cause/effect situations in the books we are reading this week, paying close attention to the clue words because, so, if then)

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize (We will use the strategy *somebody, wanted, but, so, then* to write a summary)

We are reading a wonderful story, Tara and Tiree, and will focus on summarizing and cause/effect relationships.

Vocab Skill: Unfamiliar Words

Conventions Skill: Nouns (Just common nouns this week- person, place, thing, animal)

Religion: We are starting our Reconciliation unit with a look at the 10 Commandments. We also discussed the whole idea of sin and asking God for forgiveness. On Friday we will go to the chapel as a class for Adoration.

In small groups, we are reading nonfiction stories and looking for cause/effect relationships. In centers, we are visiting the website on the computers, working in iTooch on the ipads, doing a Noun Scavenger Hunt and working on summarizing in our Interactive Notebooks.

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