Monday, October 5, 2015

Peek at the Week

I hope everyone is enjoying their day off! We had a great professional development day out at Good Sheperd School learning about relevance and rigor. Looking forward to implementing my learning in my lesson plans this week!

Last week we studied r-Controlled vowels, cause and effect, summarizing, and common nouns. We made a common noun flap book and the kids had to come up with a list of each type of noun (person, place, thing). I also gave students a popsicle stick with a sentence on it. They had to read their sentence to the class and then call on volunteers to identify the nouns in the sentence. This was so fun! We also went on a noun hunt around the school, looking for different types of nouns. 

We had a lot of practice with cause and effect. We read a story about two rescue dogs and had to find different cause/effect situations from the story. We recorded them in our spirals. In centers, they visited and read different articles, searching for cause/effect situations within the article (hard!). 

On Friday we celebrated the Feast of the guardian angel and also had adoration as a class in the chapel. It was a great week!

This week in:


Phonics: Contractions

Spelling Words:
1. can't
2. it's
3. he's
4. I'm
5. didn't
6. who's
7. she's
8. aren't
9. isn't
10. haven't
11. hadn't
12. I'll

Sight words: certainly, either, great, laugh, second, worst, you're

Comprehension Skill: Author's Purpose (Entertain, Inform, Persuade). We will cover entertain and inform this week. 

Comprehension Strategy: Text Structure (Knowing and using various text features, like captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, etc, to locate key facts or information in a text quickly)

Vocab skill: Dictionary Skills

Conventions Skill: Proper Nouns


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