Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Boosterthon Fun!!


Boosterthon is in full swing! We are having a blast! Our theme this year is "Big World Recess." Big thanks to Mrs. Watson (and family) for decorating our door. 

It is only Day 2 and we have already collected $36 per lap! This has earned us extra recess time, "free time," and bring your stuffed animal to school!!! The kids wrote in their planners today that they can bring their stuffed animal tomorrow (it has to be able to fit in their backpacks). We are so close to $40 per lap, which will earn them NO HOMEWORK FOR A WHOLE WEEK, also a bonus for you! :) Check out our Pledge-O-Meter to see what other incentives I am offering. They are working hard to get to the top goal of $150 per lap

Currently Mrs. Briggs and Ms. Becker's classes are beating us! Let's get some more pledges tonight so we can be on top and most importantly, help our school raise money for the new turf!

Our top two earners last night were Allison and Danny. Great job to all those who logged in and earned pledges! Don't forget- your child will wear their Boosterthon shirt for the Fun Run on Tuesday (sent home today). 

Thank you so much for your support!!

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