Thursday, October 29, 2015

Boosterthon Fun Run!

We had a great end to our Boosterthon Fundraiser. Thank you SO much for you support. This is our school's biggest and most important fundraiser. It would not have been such a great success without your time and support.
The kids had a blast at the Fun Run.


And our first Reading Counts Lunch!! 

And finally, PJ day! It was a crazy week!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Boosterthon Update!

Tomorrow is the Boosterthon Fun Run! Students should wear running shoes, Boosterthon shirt and PE shorts. We will run at 9:15am. You are welcome to join us out on the turf. Water is provided for the students.

Today we had lunch outside with the Boosterthon captains as a reward for being the top earners last Wednesday. This was a blast!

Tonight is the last night for pledges!! We are at $91 per lap. We are soo eager to reach $100 per lap so we can have our pajama party. That's only 9 new pledges! I know we can get there tonight!!

Thank you for supporting us! Look forward to seeing you at the Fun Run tomorrow!

Crazy hat day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Boosterthon Fun!!


Boosterthon is in full swing! We are having a blast! Our theme this year is "Big World Recess." Big thanks to Mrs. Watson (and family) for decorating our door. 

It is only Day 2 and we have already collected $36 per lap! This has earned us extra recess time, "free time," and bring your stuffed animal to school!!! The kids wrote in their planners today that they can bring their stuffed animal tomorrow (it has to be able to fit in their backpacks). We are so close to $40 per lap, which will earn them NO HOMEWORK FOR A WHOLE WEEK, also a bonus for you! :) Check out our Pledge-O-Meter to see what other incentives I am offering. They are working hard to get to the top goal of $150 per lap

Currently Mrs. Briggs and Ms. Becker's classes are beating us! Let's get some more pledges tonight so we can be on top and most importantly, help our school raise money for the new turf!

Our top two earners last night were Allison and Danny. Great job to all those who logged in and earned pledges! Don't forget- your child will wear their Boosterthon shirt for the Fun Run on Tuesday (sent home today). 

Thank you so much for your support!!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 12th - October 16th

We finally experience some slightly cooler weather last week. We'll take what we can get! This put us in a fall mood! 

Last week we covered author's purpose... Writers write to persuade, inform, and entertain. Students enjoyed learning about the three purposes. Each day they had to look through their book bags and find a book that ft the purpose we covered that day. They had to write the title on a sticky note and then write two reasons why they knew what the author's purpose was and then present their book to the class. In centers this week I will give them different types of texts and they will have to identify the author's purpose. 

We also covered proper nouns. This is always very fun for the kids. In centers this week they will have to write a story about a pumpkin and include 5 proper nouns (and two contractions). Last week they showed me they could identify proper nouns and change common nouns to proper nouns. This week they will take it one step further and will have to apply proper nouns in their writing.  

Finally, we covered contractions. This is always a tough phonics skill, but they did a great job. On Thursday, we played a  game to review for our spelling test. I made sets of notecards- one notecard had the contraction, the other notecard had the two words that formed the contraction. I passed them out and they had to find their partner. We played several rounds, and they loved it!

This week in ELA:

Phonics: r-Controlled vowels -er, -ir, -ur

Spelling words:

1. person
2. nurse
3. dirt
4. turn
5. birth
6. serve
7. curb
8. curl
9. skirt
10. purse
11. turtle
12. her
Sight words: ago, enough, whole, word, above, toward
Conventions Skill: Singular and Plural Nouns *Identify the difference between singular and plural nouns and add -s to change a noun from singular to plural. Also, we will learn that words ending in -x, -s, -ss, -ch, -sh need to have an -es added to the end!
Comprehension Skill: Nonfiction Text Features and Facts and Details
I am so excited about our nonfiction text features unit that we will start tomorrow! We will spend the next two weeks studying the features of nonfiction text (headings, captions, illustrations, index, glossary, bold print, etc.). It is important for students to be able to use various text features to locate key facts and information in a text quickly and efficiently. We will go on a "road trip" through nonfiction text features. Each day we will cover a different feature. After the 2 week unit, students will create a nonfiction text feature project on the iPads to show their understanding.

We will read a lot of nonfiction texts over the next two weeks. This week we will focus on bats. 


We will take our chapter 9 test on God's Laws (The 10 Commandments). We will start Chapter 10, all about Reconciliation. We will also make our first round of Cannon Ballling Cancer cards for Halloween.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Peek at the Week

I hope everyone is enjoying their day off! We had a great professional development day out at Good Sheperd School learning about relevance and rigor. Looking forward to implementing my learning in my lesson plans this week!

Last week we studied r-Controlled vowels, cause and effect, summarizing, and common nouns. We made a common noun flap book and the kids had to come up with a list of each type of noun (person, place, thing). I also gave students a popsicle stick with a sentence on it. They had to read their sentence to the class and then call on volunteers to identify the nouns in the sentence. This was so fun! We also went on a noun hunt around the school, looking for different types of nouns. 

We had a lot of practice with cause and effect. We read a story about two rescue dogs and had to find different cause/effect situations from the story. We recorded them in our spirals. In centers, they visited and read different articles, searching for cause/effect situations within the article (hard!). 

On Friday we celebrated the Feast of the guardian angel and also had adoration as a class in the chapel. It was a great week!

This week in:


Phonics: Contractions

Spelling Words:
1. can't
2. it's
3. he's
4. I'm
5. didn't
6. who's
7. she's
8. aren't
9. isn't
10. haven't
11. hadn't
12. I'll

Sight words: certainly, either, great, laugh, second, worst, you're

Comprehension Skill: Author's Purpose (Entertain, Inform, Persuade). We will cover entertain and inform this week. 

Comprehension Strategy: Text Structure (Knowing and using various text features, like captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, etc, to locate key facts or information in a text quickly)

Vocab skill: Dictionary Skills

Conventions Skill: Proper Nouns