Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Chocolate Fever Weeks 2 and 3

We continued reading Chocolate Fever in weeks 2 and 3. Throughout the second and third week, students made trifolds/brochures to practice their comprehension skills. After reading chapter 7, students had to design a new book cover, which was the front of the trifold. After reading chapter 8, students wrote the setting and described the characters from the chapter. After reading chapter 9, students wrote the BME (plot). After reading chapter 10, students wrote their prediction for how the story would end and why they felt that way.

Also, before finishing the last two chapters, students put on their medical hats and wrote a prescription for Henry Green! They enjoyed pretending to be doctors. I loved seeing the "cures" that they came up with.

After the story, students gave the book a rating, wrote about their favorite part from the story and finished the trifold with a review.

We also wrote about the message/moral of the story in our interactive notebooks.

I absolutely love doing novel studies because 1) they are engaging 2)you can cover so many different skills and 3) You can celebrate when it's finished! Which leads me to the chocolate party...

Many of you asked if I was crazy. Trust me, by the end of the day, I felt like a crazy person!

It was definitely worth it though... the kids loved every second! My goal is to do one more novel study before the end of the year.

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