Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Carl the complainer/Bad Dog Dodger

Last week we read the story "Carl the Complainer" and focused on cause/effect relationships and how to be responsible community members. 

We are really working on responding to the text using complete sentences and providing evidence! This is a tough concept, so we will continue to practice this skill for the rest of the year. We worked on the trifolds below with partners to help build these skills. 

To celebrate National Poetry Month we wrote acrostic poems. 

This week is all about DOGS. Kids love writing, reading and talking about these cute, furry animals. We are reading a story called "Bad Dog Dodger" which is about a puppy who desperately needs training. Our focus question is "how can we be responsible pet owners?" Our major comprehension skill that we are tackling is plot/theme. Students are very good at stating the plot, but we tend to struggle a bit more when it comes to actually writing it out. So we are really practicing writing the BME in small groups and independently.

Our phonics skill this week is consonant syllables with silent letters. This is tough! 
Spelling Words: knock, sign, knee, wrong, write, climb, wrap, wren, gnat, lamb, comb, knob

Our conventions skill is using I and Me. 

We are continuing our study of poetry with haiku poems. 

The story vocab is: practice, grabbed, chewing, chased, treat, wagged, dripping

We are also knee deep in our "dog projects." Students were given three different assignments to complete this week during centers. Each student received a special project folder to house all of their papers. It's been really neat to watch them take responsibility to complete each assignment, work at their own pace and stay organized with their project folder. 

The assignments:
1. Reread "Bad Dog Dodger" and write the plot in their interactive notebooks to be assessed
2. Write a haiku poem about dogs (harder than you think!)
3. Create a new dog toy. Explain what the purpose is, the name of the toy, how much it costs, where you can buy it, and the directions for how to use it. Then, create an advertisement selling your new toy!

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