Sunday, August 23, 2015

First full week in the books!

We had an incredible first full week of school. It has been one of the easiest transitions we've ever had. Don't forget about Open House Thursday evening at 6pm. Mrs. Briggs and I will give a presentation after the meeting in the assembly hall. We will go over important information for the year. Remember this is mandatory!

Last week we focused on identifying the charater traits of a main character in a story. It was very easy for the kids to identify outer traits (tall, short, pretty, etc.), so we focused on inner traits which was much more difficult! We read the story Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. After our first read, we created a venn diagram and compared Chrysanthemum to myself, then they created their own diagrams and compared themselves to Chrysanthemum. During the second read aloud, we created a bubble map of Chrysanthemum and focused on traits as we read each page. They were challenged to think about her actions, how she responded to events and challenges, and her overall personality. Finally, they created their own chrysanthemum bubble maps and then had to choose their favorite trait to describe the character. The tricky part- they had to give evidence from the story to back up the trait.

This week in:

Language Arts:

Phonics and Spelling: Long Vowels VCe

Spelling Words:
- nose
- page
- space
- size
- fine
- mice
- late
- huge
- blaze
- race
- rice
- vote

Sight words:
- live
- work
- machines
- move
- everywhere
- world
- woman

Comprehension Skill: Main Idea (We will read several nonfiction selections and practice finding the main idea of a short story, as well as specific paragraphs within the text)

Conventions Skill: Locating the subject of a sentence 

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