Sunday, August 30, 2015

Peek at the Week

We've had another great week in second grade! We focused on finding the main idea of specific paragraphs within a text, building our "read to self" stamina in Daily 5, long vowels, and of course, Open House! Here are a few pictures of Daily 5 and centers:

 This week in: 


Phonics: Consonant Blends

Spelling Words:

1. stop
2. strap
3. nest
4. hand
5. brave
6. ask
7. clip
8. stream
9. mask
10. twin
11. breeze
12. state

Sight words:

1. bear
2. couldn't
3. build
4. mother
5. father
6. straight
7. love

Comprehension Skill: Character and Setting; Story Structure (retelling the beginning, middle, and end of a story)

Vocab  Skill: Synonyms

Fluency Skill: Accuracy and Appropriate Rate

Conventions Skill: Predicates 

I am so excited about our upcoming reading unit this week. We will be reading lots of books from the Henry and Mudge series. I know the kids will fall in love with this series and I can't hardly wait! We will focus on sequencing the events, studying the main characters, and building new vocabulary. 


We will continue reading about Jesus as both God and Man. We will take our chapter 1 test, then focus on the Creation Story in Genesis. 

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